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California voters voted to require background checks for ammo purchases. Buyers and vendors are required to report lost or stolen guns and ammo. The law also demands certain felons hand over their guns. These laws will establish a new tracking system on who’s buying what, and make it harder for guns and ammo to fall into the wrong hands. Opponents say Prop 63 is a burden on law-abiding citizens while felons will continue to obtain guns and ammo freely. They say the funds would be better spent on police training. But is easy access to guns and ammo worth the price of a life? Why not err on the side of public safety?

My Editorial Opinion Script :30

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Every year the scientific community waits to see who will be awarded the Nobel Prize. Cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the coveted Prize this year in Physiology and Medicine for his discoveries in the cellular process of autophagy. Autophagy, originally discovered in the 1960’s, involves starving cells recycling their non-vital components to produce energy in order to maintain homeostasis. But what scientists want to use this process for is to have the body destroy cells that could possibly be damaged. However, the mechanisms behind this procedure have eluded scientists for years. At last Yoshinori Ohsumi’s findings revealed the identification of the genes responsible for autophagy. Because of his discovery, new fields of study are being explored and new treatment options for people with cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and many other diseases may be available in the near future.

The Process of Autophagy
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